This month’s ethical snapshot goes from the absurd to the absurder and some good news .

Who/what is this dog?
Who are the Never Trumps? –
Contrary to Trump’s zealous base, there are a group of conservative donors who are unwilling to contribute to Trump’s campaign need of $1 billion. According to The New York Times (May 21), “50 of the Republican Party’s largest donors, or their representatives, revealed a measure of contempt and distrust toward their own party’s nominee that is unheard of in modern presidential politics.” Among them:
Mike Fernandez has given more than $4 million to Republicans.
Why he won’t give to Trump: “He took out newspaper ads during the primaries comparing Mr. Trump to Hitler and Mussolini. He said he would donate to Mr. Trump ‘when hell freezes over,’ adding, ‘Oh no, but is that not where he resides?’ ”
Bruce Kovner, New York finance executive has given over $3 million to Republicans.
Why He Won’t Give: “I believe his boorish behavior throughout the campaign suggested to me that he did not have the character to be president.”
Joe and Marlene Ricketts, the TD Ameritrade founder and his wife have given over $30 million to Republican races.
Why They Won’t Give: “Mr. Trump threatened the family when they opposed his campaign, writing on Twitter, ‘They better be careful.’ ”
Michael K. Vlock, a Connecticut investor has given over $5 million to Republicans.
Why he won’t give: “[Trump] is too selfish, flawed and unpredictable to hold the power of the presidency.”
Stanley F. Druckenmiller, a New York-based investor has given more than $1.9 million to Republicans.
“Not sure why anyone would give money to Mr. Trump since he asserts he is worth $10 billion.”
The Ethical Take: Druckenmiller has the best answer of all… unless Trump doesn’t really have $10 billion. #RELEASE YOUR TAXES, DONALD!
This is America? –
The Week magazine reported (May 27), that “A North Carolina man has been convicted of a hate crime for ripping off a Muslim woman’s hijab aboard a Southwest Airlines flight in December. Gill Parker, 37,” the magazine writes, “will serve two months’ home detention after admitting that he removed the head covering while shouting, ‘Take it off! This is America!’ The incident happened just three days after Donald Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the U.S.”
The E.T.: I thought Trump said that he doesn’t condone violence?
NO, Jim! Once again, your smarmy liberal bias is showing. Mr. Trump said that he doesn’t condone VIOLINS!
There Goes the Judge… Again! –
Montgomery Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore “was facing removal for the second time,” The Week magazine announced, “after the state’s Judicial Inquiry Commission suspended him from the bench for issuing an order in January to block marriage licenses for same-sex couples statewide.”
Moore stands accused of “six counts of ethics violations, the disciplinary board said [when] the judge ‘flagrantly disregarded and abused his authority’ by issuing the order, which came six months after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage across the nation in its Obergefell v. Hodges decision.” Moore called the decision “immoral, unconstitutional, and tyrannical.”
Moore was removed from office in 2003 after defying a court order to take down a Ten Commandments monument from the state supreme court building. However, he was re-elected chief justice in 2012.
The E.T. : On, one reader asked, “Exactly what law do you claim that Chief Justice Moore has broken?”
A reader responded, “Judicial misconduct and a breach of judicial ethics,” then posted three links on the rules:
Update: Supporters held a rally to reinstate hiz honor. George Wallace Lives!
Et tu, Brute? –
According to the Nevada County Scooper, “Tweety (pictured above) is a 7-year-old dog living with the Simpson family in Grass Valley, CA. Tweety was born a female, but identifies as a male. Ever since he was given a blue-collar at birth, he never identified as a female.
“Tweety was involved in an altercation last week on Alta Street. Tweety lifted his leg to do his business and was accosted by another dog as that tree was a ‘male’ tree. Tweety was not injured but has been left confused and hurt.
“The offender, a beagle harrier named Brutus, spoke to the Scooper’s animal translator.
“ ‘Who the hell does she think she is peeing on our tree, what if my puppies were using that tree when she was there,’ said Brutus, ‘She peed all over the roots, now we have to step in it to use the tree. She has no business there!’ ”
The E.T.: Yes, the Nevada County Scooper is a website devoted to satire.
And the Good News –
While there’s been plenty of bad news about police officers around the country, here’s some good. Florida Police Chief Melvin Tennyson gave himself a parking ticket after a neighbor alerted him that his vehicle was parked illegally. In response to reporters questions, Tennyson said, “I paid my fine like anyone else would,” he told Fox 35. “I can’t realistically and in good conscience hold anybody, a citizen or especially my own workforce, accountable if I don’t hold myself accountable. It starts at the top.”
The E.T. : The right message for all of us to remember.