Recent Gun Safety Commentaries

Featured image for “Debate: How We’re Doing It Wrong”
Debate: How We’re Doing It Wrong
Every time another mass shooting occurs, the debate begins again. FOR GUN CONTROL – Nineteen, the number of mass shootings that have occurred since January 1st of this year—68 dead; 69 wounded. AGAINST – “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” FOR – In 2021, Texas passed a gun law that allows those...
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September 13, 2022
Featured image for “What Do We Truly Value?”
What Do We Truly Value?
Thirteen mass shootings since last Friday, and while victims’ families grieve, we all continue to hear and read the same words and see the lack of meaningful actions from lawmakers: “thoughts and prayers”; moral outrage commentaries (this being one of them); bipartisan talks; and proposed water-downed bipartisan bills. According to a CBS/YouGov national poll: 81 percent of Americans favor background...
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June 7, 2022
Featured image for “Let The Sun Shine In!”
Let The Sun Shine In!
Thank GOD, this monumental piece of legislation has passed an all-important hurdle. I don’t know about you, but getting unanimous consent for a bill like this restores my faith in the two-party system where both sides can set aside their grudges, come together and pass the most meaningful legislation in  . . .  I don’t know how long. Officially known...
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March 18, 2022
Featured image for “The Rittenhouse Effect”
The Rittenhouse Effect
You have a right to defend yourself. Be armed, be dangerous, be moral. — Representative Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) How can you equate morality with a vigilante who killed two people, Mr. Cawthorn? Kyle Rittenhouse, the 18-year-old Illinois teen who shot and killed two men and wounded a third at a Kenosha Wisconsin riot that followed the shooting of a Black...
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December 3, 2021
Featured image for “What Will it Take?”
What Will it Take?
What will it take for some Americans to stop believing the false narrative that Democrats want to abolish the Second Amendment? In 1996, the Dunblane primary school shooting left 16 fifth and sixth graders and the teacher that tried to protect them, dead. The public outcry was loud and long. In 1997, UK’s prime minister, John Major, passed the Firearms...
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March 26, 2021
Featured image for “On Assignment”
On Assignment
One of the most unforgettable and tragic news stories of the last 60 years took place on November 22, 1963. I never saw it until years later because I was sitting in my High School Homeroom class in New Rochelle, New York. It began with a sober voice over announcement by Walter Cronkite. “In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired...
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March 26, 2018
Featured image for “More Than Just Thoughts and Prayers”
More Than Just Thoughts and Prayers
Two weeks ago, I wrote about H.R. 38, The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, (This is Who We’ve Become), which, if passed by the Senate, would effectively make it legal to carry a concealed weapon from state to state much like a driver’s license. In a statement from his office, California Congressman Salud Carbajal told me: “This shameful bill...
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March 2, 2018
Featured image for “Let’s Learn to Be Americans, Again”
Let’s Learn to Be Americans, Again
During a conversation with a friend about the Parkland school shooting, I was struck by something she said: “I’m not a Republican or a Democrat; I’m an American.” Wednesday’s news was consumed with the aftershock of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. The first half of the day was occupied with a listening session held by President Trump, attended...
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February 23, 2018
Featured image for “This is Who We’ve Become”
This is Who We’ve Become
17 Dead after a shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. “Oh my God! Oh my God!” one student shouted in a cell phone video. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel: “This is catastrophic!” Action Congress has taken since the Sandy Hook School shooting five years ago: Zero. I was already working on a commentary regarding gun...
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February 16, 2018
Featured image for “…and now, Sutherland Springs”
…and now, Sutherland Springs
On a quiet Sunday morning at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas – a town with a population less than 700 – Devin Kelly, a former Air Force logistics worker, walked into the back of the church armed with a semi-automatic military-style weapon and killed 26 people. “Department of Public Safety Spokesman Freeman Martin said Kelley moved around...
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November 8, 2017

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Godfather, Part Now
“I don’t feel I have to wipe everyone out, Tom, just my enemies.”—Michael Corleone, The Godfather Note: I must pause my earlier commentary suggesting how...
The Political System Explained (from the opening of my doctoral thesis)
(Note: this is a rough draft and still undergoing revisions.) Welcome, esteemed colleagues, to a comprehensive exploration of one of the most perplexing and confounding...
Something Like a War
I’ve been revisiting Ken Burns’ series on the history of baseball, and it sparked some interesting comparisons to a subject that headlines the news daily....
Descaling Our Psyches
I recently descaled my espresso machine—removed the limescale buildup that hinders efficiency. How might we descale the returning president from our psyches? Donald Trump has...
Foreshadowing What’s to Come
After learning that one of Donald Trump’s first actions as president pardoned nearly all of the 1,600 January 6, defendants, police officer, Michael Fanone–who was...