Recent Entertainment Commentaries

We Need Moments Like This
Embed from Getty Images Let’s face it, we’re a mess. We’re living moment to moment, crisis to crisis at home and abroad. Every time you watch the news it feels like another brick to the head. I want a respite from the endless bombardment of anger, hate, and violence. I want a moment of triumph where everyone stands up and...
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April 2, 2024
Featured image for “Let’s Talk About Football”
Let’s Talk About Football
Let me say at the outset that I’m not going to win friends or influence many people with this commentary. Football . . . is a beautiful game. With the unexpected death of Pittsburgh Steelers Franco Harris last month, the media refreshed all our memories of “The Immaculate Reception,” the play that not only defined Harris but remains one of...
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January 6, 2023
Featured image for “No Magic in Florida”
No Magic in Florida
For decades, Florida’s Walt Disney World has been spreading joy and magic to billions who visit from around the world. And for decades, the Disney organization has pretty much remained politically neutral. Now, however, the “Most Magical Place on Earth,” has become yet another political battlefield. It all began when Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, signed HB 1557 into law. As...
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April 22, 2022
Featured image for “It’s Over!”
It’s Over!
With the rate of vaccinations continuing to rise and the number of COVID-19 cases declining, Americans are jumping back into life. Yesterday, California’s governor announced that the state was open for business with a few guidelines. “Californians who are two weeks removed from their last vaccine dose will be allowed to go mask-free in nearly all settings,” The L.A. Times...
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June 16, 2021
Featured image for “Ship of Fools”
Ship of Fools
This remake of the classic 1965 Stanley Kramer film is filled with everything you’ve come to expect from a memorable masterpiece of scandal and treachery. Based on the incredible playbook by Donald Trump with a cast ripped from the halls of Washington. Starring Senator Josh Hawley, the ignoble mate who put out a fund-raising message telling supporters of his planned...
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May 3, 2021
Featured image for “It’s… GROUNDHOG DAY!”
Phil Connors (morose): OK, campers, rise and shine, and don’t forget your booties cause it’s cold out there. It’s cold out there every day. Every year…EVERY year, I unplug from the world’s problems, take a few hours, and watch Bill Murray in Groundhog Day repeat himself over and over until he finally abandons his self-centered ego and enjoys living a...
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February 2, 2021
Featured image for “The Pope of Hope”
The Pope of Hope
Many are acquainted with Dan Piraro’s day job as an artist/satirist who tries to make sense of our world through his cartoon images. However, in real life, he’s a philosopher who motivates us to… are you sitting down… actually think. What has this got to do with ethics? During times of high-stress, we all need to be responsible for our...
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July 1, 2020
Featured image for “SGN*”
With the United States now the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic, tough times have fallen hard on millions. However, as these stories illustrate, that’s when Americans step up. Georgetown, Tennessee teen, Elizabeth Taylor, a cashier at a local grocery store, stepped up when Layne McKeel was short of cash at her check-out counter. As reported by a local NBC affiliate...
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April 17, 2020
Featured image for “Stairway to the Ninth Circuit”
Stairway to the Ninth Circuit
“No amount of money is worth having to sing ‘Stairway to Heaven’ like you mean it, night after night, after night, after night….” – Robert Plant, co-author, Stairway to Heaven, on refusing to reunite with rock band Led Zeppelin for a world tour. While the lyrics (largely obscure) are magical and mystical, (especially if you’re having an enhanced reality experience),...
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March 11, 2020
Featured image for “Two Uplifting Stories”
Two Uplifting Stories
Two recent stories prove two things: first that there is much more to the news than what happens in Washington; second, that sportsmanship and compassion are alive and well. In the 5000-meter race of the Track and Field World Championships in Doha, Qatar, Jonathan Busby of Aruba, near exhaustion, was helped by another competitor in the race. “…it was so...
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October 7, 2019

Read Some of the Most Recent Articles
The Latest... And Often Greatest
The Purpose and Course of Our Lives
About once a year, the American Film Institute invites filmgoers to vote on the greatest heroes in cinema. Indiana Jones, James Bond, and Superman typically...
Two Greeks Walk into an A.I. Bar . . .
They spot Donald Trump holding court. Curious, they approach and begin a conversation. Socrates: Tell me, sir, what is the nature of leadership? Is it...
Dispatches From the Front
Let me get this straight: … the Senate will vote to approve a woman with ties to authoritarian leaders, a man who has pushed vaccine...
Godfather, Part Now
“I don’t feel I have to wipe everyone out, Tom, just my enemies.”—Michael Corleone, The Godfather Note: I must pause my earlier commentary suggesting how...
The Political System Explained (from the opening of my doctoral thesis)
(Note: this is a rough draft and still undergoing revisions.) Welcome, esteemed colleagues, to a comprehensive exploration of one of the most perplexing and confounding...
Something Like a War
I’ve been revisiting Ken Burns’ series on the history of baseball, and it sparked some interesting comparisons to a subject that headlines the news daily....