I know I’ve been a little absent here for the last few days and planning to be absent a few more. However, it’s all for a good cause. I’m in the home stretch of finalizing the new book regarding an ethical examination of Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. (If you have not done so already, you can read an excerpt here.)
The “heavy lifting” is due to be complete by the end of this week. Then it’s off to my able editors to nit-pick, proof and return with corrective notes. Then it’s on to my computer wiz, Jon K. for translation into all e-book platforms including Kindle, which some of you have asked for.
As soon as I know, I will announce the title along with a specific March release date.
Just like Michaele Salahi, everybody’s favorite Washington DC “Housewife,” I shall return to these commentaries soon!
Trust me.