While in office, President Harry Truman was well-known by his fans for not suffering fools lightly, politicians or military. A frequent chant from supporters was, Give’em Hell, Harry!
Looking toward the brighter side, a good friend of mine signs his e-mails, Give’em Heaven.
With that thought in mind I thought this commentary appropriate.
I’m a tennis fan. Grew up watching and playing the sport when I was young. Every summer, I enjoy watching the French, and U.S. Opens and England’s Wimbledon, currently heading into it’s second week of play.
While caring and respect may appear to be in short supply these days, moments that demonstrate the best we can be – even in the heat of competition – frequently happen.
Some show the simple act of acknowledging the skill of an opponent’s winning point, others are lighthearted as when Novak Djokovic, during a rain delay in the 2014 French Open, offers the ball boy assisting him, a seat next to him, then offers him a drink.
While this commentary is short on word length, it speaks volumes about character.
And there are many more such moments in other sports.
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Thank you Jim, loved watching that video on YouTube. That is why I love tennis.