Recent Religion Commentaries

Featured image for “What Would Jesus Say?”
What Would Jesus Say?
“The Democrats and the fake news media want to constantly talk about ‘President Trump is a convicted felon.’ Well, you want to know something? The man that I worship is also a convicted felon. And he was murdered on a Roman cross.”—Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene Christians fanatical zeal for Donald Trump remains stunning to many millions, including myself, who just...
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June 11, 2024
Featured image for “Principle Before Party”
Principle Before Party
“Duty is ours. Results are God’s.”—John Quincy Adams In 1806, after a series of attacks by Britain on American ships carrying goods, Massachusetts Senator John Quincy Adams and his colleagues were outraged. American sailors were being captured and “impressed” into the King’s navy. When the American frigate Chesapeake was fired upon by a British ship, Adams was so incensed he...
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April 23, 2024
Featured image for “The Orange Jesus”
The Orange Jesus
“Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”—The First Commandment In last week’s caucus, the good, decent, hardworking people of Iowa overwhelming supported Donald Trump. Evangelicals make up 55 percent of supporters. Their conversion began when they leaned away from the holy Bible to the scriptures of Donald Trump. It began when they believed the lies the former president told...
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January 19, 2024
Featured image for “The New Christian Front”
The New Christian Front
Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor in Pennsylvania, The New York Times reported, told supporters at a recent rally. “My campaign has no place for hate, bigotry and intolerance. . . .” “Intolerance towards men is always reprehensible. But often times intolerance is provoked by injudicious and erroneous policies.” While the first statement was made by Mastriano, the second...
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July 12, 2022
Featured image for “The Good, The Bad of Last Year”
The Good, The Bad of Last Year
Looking back over the past year we have faced the challenges of a lifetime. During that past year, Pew Research has been asking American’s their views and reactions to the COVID-19 virus. How the virus has affected their lives. The results show a mix of the depressed, fortunate, money-savers, readers, angry, happy and more… Here is just a small sampling...
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March 12, 2021
Featured image for “The Power of Faith”
The Power of Faith
During these extraordinary times, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with anxiety and fear. Will I be safe? Will my family be safe? How will I pay for food, rent, mortgage? When will it end? In his ground-breaking book, Man’s Search for Meaning, holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl describes his heartbreaking loss in a letter to friends after his liberation from Auschwitz....
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April 8, 2020
Featured image for “More Than the Heart of a City”
More Than the Heart of a City
The fire that devastated one of the great religious, cultural and architectural treasures of the world – the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris – not only shocked French citizens but the world. If the walls inside this cavernous basilica could talk, they would tell a story of conflict, coronation, and courage. Built by hand more than 850 years ago, Notre-Dame –...
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April 17, 2019
Featured image for “Who is the Pope’s Confessor?”
Who is the Pope’s Confessor?
Whomever he is, I hope he’s got a lot of juice with the Almighty. When Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was voted by his colleagues to become the next Pope six years ago, replacing the retired Pope Benedict XVI, little did he know that a scandal, literally of Biblical proportions, would soon envelop him. The Catholic Church is supposed to be...
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March 4, 2019
Featured image for ““We <em>Can</em> Be Better Than This””
“We Can Be Better Than This”
Times of crisis call forth a leader among us who, through their compassion and wisdom, can help both comfort and unite. Tree of Life Rabbi Jeffrey Myers is doing just that by not only tending to the needs of his own community but offering a broader message to us all. CNN’s Alisyn Camerota spoke to Rabbi Myers on Monday morning...
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November 1, 2018
Featured image for “Updates”
In Friday’s commentary (Right Message, Wrong Moment), I sided with Serena Williams’s point about a double standard that women are held more accountable for their bad behavior than men. I was wrong. Near the end of this year’s women’s U.S. Open final, Williams was fined $17,000 for three code violations in the finals against Japan’s Naomi Osaka, her first Grand...
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September 17, 2018

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