Recent Gun violence Commentaries

Featured image for “Willing to Pay The Price in Blood”
Willing to Pay The Price in Blood
On the 6th anniversary of the Parkland school shooting, the country faced another mass shooting. This time, at a celebratory event for the Kansas City Chiefs football team in downtown Kansas City Once again, Washington leaders remain unwilling and unable to address an issue of such grave and growing importance. Once again, America’s rights trump the responsibilities we have to...
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February 15, 2024
Featured image for “A Sad Truth”
A Sad Truth
Stephen King is a remarkable novelist of the macabre. He’s published 65 novels and novellas. Carrie, The Shining, The Dead Zone, Cujo, Misery, The Green Mile—and those are just the works that have been translated into films. On average, King’s novels run 100,000 to 200,000 words, but he needed less than 160 to tell a chilling truth about American culture....
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October 31, 2023
Featured image for “Debate: How We’re Doing It Wrong”
Debate: How We’re Doing It Wrong
Every time another mass shooting occurs, the debate begins again. FOR GUN CONTROL – Nineteen, the number of mass shootings that have occurred since January 1st of this year—68 dead; 69 wounded. AGAINST – “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” FOR – In 2021, Texas passed a gun law that allows those...
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September 13, 2022
Featured image for “This House Divided”
This House Divided
“If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it . . . ‘A house divided against itself cannot stand.’ I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect...
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July 4, 2022
Featured image for “What Do We Truly Value?”
What Do We Truly Value?
Thirteen mass shootings since last Friday, and while victims’ families grieve, we all continue to hear and read the same words and see the lack of meaningful actions from lawmakers: “thoughts and prayers”; moral outrage commentaries (this being one of them); bipartisan talks; and proposed water-downed bipartisan bills. According to a CBS/YouGov national poll: 81 percent of Americans favor background...
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June 7, 2022
Featured image for “Extremism”
America is paralyzed by mistrust and extremism. The Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Intelligence Project” has identified 488 anti-government groups around the country that flourish exploiting lies and false conspiracies. “In 2021,” the project reports, “the conspiratorial and permanently dubious view of government was pervasive, as evidence by the movement’s popularity on such issues as COVID-19 regulations, local school curriculum, the...
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June 3, 2022
Featured image for ““I’ve Had Enough,” And So Should All of Us”
“I’ve Had Enough,” And So Should All of Us
After learning of yet another mass shooting in a fourth-grade Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, Golden State Warriors’ Coach Steve Kerr brushed off questions about the upcoming playoff against the Dallas Mavericks to offer a passionate and compelling voice about gun violence in America. “When are we going to do something,” Kerr shouted at his pre-game press conference. “I’m tired....
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May 25, 2022

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