Recent responsibility Commentaries

Featured image for “Final Pitch”
Final Pitch
Dear Undecided Voter, I’m hoping to aid your decision-making and help clarify what’s at stake in tomorrow’s election. Here’s what we know: According to Washington Post fact-checker, Glenn Kessler, since his time in office, Donald Trump as made a total of 22,247 false or misleading statements since assuming office. and offer similar lists. Absent any evidence,  » Read more...
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November 2, 2020
Featured image for “How Do We Restore America’s Integrity?”
How Do We Restore America’s Integrity?
We have survived crises before. However, the events we are now facing have brought about an unimaginable chain reaction. This is not the America many of us grew up with and loved. We’ve faced down bullies before, but these current threats come in a different form: deceit, corruption, unreason, and disease; not just disease from a deadly virus, but an...
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April 13, 2020
Featured image for “Two Words, Mr. Schumer, Two Words”
Two Words, Mr. Schumer, Two Words
Why can’t politicians just admit when their wrong? One answer is that such an admission is perceived as a sign of weakness that the other side will exploit. Growing up in Catholic schools on the east coast, the brothers were tough, but the nuns were tougher. If you even whispered the wrong thing, the penalty was immediate. It’s sad to...
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March 9, 2020
Featured image for “Lindenberger’s Choice”
Lindenberger’s Choice
It’s safe to say that, at one time or other, most teens rebel against their parents. For Ethan Lindenberger that rebellion took an unexpected turn. When Lindenberger became a legal adult at 18, he chose to get the necessary vaccinations that his parents had avoided. “I had grown up with my mom being very staunch and open about her position...
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March 13, 2019