Recent John Zogby Commentaries

Featured image for “Who We Once Were and Can Be Again”
Who We Once Were and Can Be Again
TIME magazine raised a critical issue with implications that go beyond last year’s election. “To the victor goes a nation divided. A nation split over its place in the world, over its basic values, over its future direction. … the Uncivil War is likely to continue. After such a venomous campaign, will it be possible to… reunite the United States?”...
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June 14, 2021
Featured image for “How Can We Restore Our Faith in One Another?”
How Can We Restore Our Faith in One Another?
I begin with a conversation I had with documentary filmmaker, Ken Burns. “The most powerful guiding principle in my life,” Burns begins, “has been and is now the conviction that the past is indeed prologue and we cannot know where we are headed if we do not understand from whence we came. From this, we can clearly see the futility...
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November 20, 2020
Featured image for “Information and Analysis We Can All Use”
Information and Analysis We Can All Use
The speed of communications is wondrous to behold. It is also true that speed can multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue. – Edward R. Murrow, 20th century journalist. No doubt Murrow would be outraged by Donald Trump’s daily false information and governance by tweet, but… he and his staff would be working overtime to get...
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October 19, 2020
Featured image for “From Conflict to Kindness”
From Conflict to Kindness
“To meet the challenge of our times… we must first defeat the enemy within.” —Robert F. Kennedy While Kennedy was addressing corruption in labor unions, he could have spoken those words today, given the multiple challenges we face: — A massive virus; unemployment; a struggling economy; companies struggling with new protections for workers and protocols for conducting business; attacks against...
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July 9, 2020

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