Okay gang, I really need your patience.
After undergoing shoulder surgery, I thought the recovery would be easier. It’s not. While it’s painful to type it’s also holding back my recovery time. I ask that you revisit the following previous commentaries until I can be back soon. I’m hoping for sometime in the next 10 days or so.
America at a Crossroads is worth another look along with the comments I received.
Greed, Arrogance and Money is a personal story from broker Robert Spence that I highly recommend revisiting.
Murrow’s Stand is another favorite of mine from March.
Building Trust and Confidence shares part of a talk I gave to a conference of security professionals. It also lays out some important points on gaining trust from potential clients by former U.S. Secret Service Director Lewis Merletti.
The Ox-Bow Incident not only shares one of my favorite ethical issue movies but reminds us of the responsibility we all share whenever we observe unethical behavior.
Apologies for the delay. See you soon.