Recent Sports Commentaries

Featured image for “What Happened to Bob Costas?”
What Happened to Bob Costas?
Sportscaster Bob Costas has arguably been the best in the business since Jim McKay. Combining a likable manner with a near-encyclopedic knowledge of football, Costas speaks to both fans and non-fans alike. And his range of sports coverage is unequaled by anyone of his generation: boxing, NASCAR, golf, baseball, basketball, hockey, thoroughbred horse racing, and from 1988 to 2016, the...
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April 5, 2021
Featured image for “Right Call”
Right Call
At the end of the 2021 season, the Cleveland Indians baseball team will drop “Indians” from their name. In a statement, owner Paul Dolan said, “Hearing firsthand the stories and experiences of Native American people, we gained a deep understanding of how tribal communities feel about the team name and the detrimental effects it has on them.” National Congress of...
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December 18, 2020
Featured image for “Sign of the Times”
Sign of the Times
I beg your indulgence. Due to my watching the opening impeachment arguments in the Senate — to be used in a future commentary — I am postponing my interview with a U.S. congressman until Thursday. Discussing sign stealing in college football, Miami University coach Chuck Martin said, “ ‘I don’t like stealing signals being part of the game, but it...
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January 20, 2020
Featured image for “Character”
Typically, when a college player is recognized for football’s prestigious Heisman trophy, they typically thank parents, coaches, teammates and friends. Louisiana State University quarterback Joe Burrow did something more. “Coming from southeast Ohio,” Burrow said in his acceptance speech, “it’s a very impoverished area and the poverty rate is almost two times the national average. “There’s so many people there...
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December 20, 2019
Featured image for “Two Uplifting Stories”
Two Uplifting Stories
Two recent stories prove two things: first that there is much more to the news than what happens in Washington; second, that sportsmanship and compassion are alive and well. In the 5000-meter race of the Track and Field World Championships in Doha, Qatar, Jonathan Busby of Aruba, near exhaustion, was helped by another competitor in the race. “…it was so...
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October 7, 2019
Featured image for “For Love of the Game”
For Love of the Game
This is a little piece of fun, and we could all use a little fun right now. When you think of legendary baseball managers you think of John McGraw, Joe McCarthy, Connie Mack, Casey Stengel, Walter Alston, Joe Torre – managers that had the grit and gumption to not only manage players, but get out there and battle with the...
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September 6, 2019
Featured image for “A Little Bit of Heaven”
A Little Bit of Heaven
While in office, President Harry Truman was well-known by his fans for not suffering fools lightly, politicians or military. A frequent chant from supporters was, Give’em Hell, Harry! Looking toward the brighter side, a good friend of mine signs his e-mails, Give’em Heaven. With that thought in mind I thought this commentary appropriate. I’m a tennis fan. Grew up watching...
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July 8, 2019
Featured image for “We Need to Forgive”
We Need to Forgive
Returning Friday 1986 was not a happy year for Bill Buckner or me. Thirty-seven years old, I had filed for divorce from my first wife. Racked with self-doubt, work was intermittent as I pondered whether I would ever find my right place in a career. I returned to an empty apartment and lay awake wondering what’s going to happen next....
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June 17, 2019
Featured image for “Fish Story”
Fish Story
I’ve written ethics-related stories regarding baseball, football, golf and tennis. But this story fished me in! When Lincoln, North Dakota resident Tom Volk dropped his line in the Heart River on Easter Sunday, God must’ve been smiling down on the 41-year-old fisherman as he reeled in a 16-pound, 9-ounce walleye, crushing a state record set last year. “Volk caught the...
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May 31, 2019
Featured image for “Maximum Challenge”
Maximum Challenge
“I tried to handle this in a nice, quiet way, and I didn’t think there was enough said about the trip our horse had. Now, given some of the recent comments, I’m pissed off.” That’s War of Will trainer Mark Casse in an interview with The Louisville Courier Journal (May 8), in response to Gary West, owner of Maximum Security,...
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May 9, 2019

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