A conversation with landscape architect Isabelle Greene led me to discover that integrity can take many forms. Like the framework of the gardens she designs and creates, her principles are likewise, clear and exacting. Isabelle is the granddaughter of Henry Mather Greene, of Greene & Greene Architects, pioneers of the early Craftsman movement in Southern California.
“These principles and ideas seem to have guided me for the last couple of decades:
– Listening carefully to my individual intuition and thinking out decisions based on my own real experiences.
– Then, standing in my decisions and not allowing the potential of pressure or approval from others to be overshadowing. Standing apart also, from kickbacks, shared spoils, and mutual favors.
– Making choices carefully, and watching to make sure that they remain in tune with my inner being.
– Trying always, to let others know where I stand: not presenting a façade that is different from where I am, internally: that is to say, presenting the full truth.
– Keeping promises made, and not jumping to suggest any promise that I am not fully committed to keeping.
– Examining the best solutions for all parties – believing that abiding solutions can be made to everyone’s benefit.
– Sometimes, the foremost principal I live by is simply to continue enduring through difficulties – not letting go of the long-range vision.
– Enjoying immensely, this life, which is given; this work I extend myself to take charge of, my cherished clients, associates, friends and family, and the opportunity to invent something new each day. If I ever forget this enjoyment, I immediately put myself right back on the track.”