Recent Science Commentaries

Featured image for “How Am I Doing?”
How Am I Doing?
I’ve been “clean and sober” – no mention of you-know-who, (rhymes with “rump”) – for 21 days and I must confess, a change has come over me. I feel… a little happier. The birds are singing more beautifully; the blossoms on the trees smell more sweetly; and I’ve unplugged from most cable news. In a March 1 commentary (La La...
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March 22, 2017
Featured image for “True Grit with a Smile”
True Grit with a Smile
Growing up, I had many interests, but none could match the fascination and passion I had for the U.S. space program, especially the first, Project Mercury. When it was announced late yesterday that the last of the original seven Mercury astronauts, the first man to orbit the earth, John Glenn, had passed away at the age of 95, I felt...
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December 9, 2016
Featured image for “The Power of Persistence”
The Power of Persistence
From time to time, people contact me for a variety of reasons. Some tell me stories. Some ask for help. Some even send books. After reading my commentary, The Wrath of Kant, former high school English teacher and author Bill Kraft offered to send me a book. Kraft, a Star Trek enthusiast, set about to accomplish, what most people might...
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May 25, 2016
Featured image for “One Word: Preventable”
One Word: Preventable
Ever since Sunday’s incredible and unpredictable end to this year’s Super Bowl, talk has been circulating across the media. Let’s go to columnist Mike Silver: “Seattle was 1 yard away from securing a second consecutive championship — but instead of handing the rock to Marshawn Lynch, the most powerful goal-line runner in football, [Seattle Coach Pete] Carroll called a...
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February 4, 2015
Featured image for “Science and Fraud”
Science and Fraud
This caught my attention on several levels: 1) Having known a few researchers, I always had a high opinion for the level of integrity. They are focused on results, yes, but the right results; 2) Once again we have another example where money – a lot of money – is available, so is the possibility of fraud; 3) The shocking...
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July 22, 2014
Featured image for “In This Corner…”
In This Corner…
“I think this case will be remembered because it is the first case of this sort since we stopped trying people in America for witchcraft, because here we have done our best to turn back the tide that has sought to force itself upon this modern world, of testing every fact in science by a religious dictum.” That’s Clarence Darrow...
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February 24, 2014
Featured image for “American Hero”
American Hero
“I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth.” Kennedy said it, and seven daring young, test pilots fulfilled one of America’s singular achievements. Heroes always seem to be in short supply. Scott Carpenter, the second American to orbit...
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October 14, 2013

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