The Way Forward, Part 1: Where We Are

Published: February 1, 2022

By Jim Lichtman
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America has lost its way.

Once we were a shining example of democracy. We fought wars and helped the disadvantaged for moral reasons. We used to stand for something. The only thing we stand for now is outrage at anyone who disagrees with us.

We are slipping away from the very ideals that make America unique: equality, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Instead, many have become bitter, entitled people who align themselves with rights more than responsibilities. Not all, but too many.

We’re better than this.

Some believe that violence will make them heard. That’s a lie.

We used to march for peace and equality. Now, many march to ban books and attack the seat of government looking to overturn an election.

Too many put their faith in false prophets, populists who lie and tell them that others are responsible for their lot in life, that conspiracies that align with their fears are valid and can only be overcome by force.

Populism doesn’t work. It didn’t work in Germany, and it didn’t work in Italy, and if our country continues down the road of extremist, populist lies, American democracy is headed for another civil war.

We have split ourselves into three camps: the rageful who feel entitled; those who fight for justice and equal rights; and those lawmakers who willingly sit on the sidelines in fearful silence rather than stand up for the Constitution.

Much of the anger and hate is generated by extremist groups who exploit fear. They blame Jews, Muslims, Asians, LGBT. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, “there are 838 hate groups currently operating in the US.”

Their megaphone for spreading the disease of xenophobia has been social media and internet websites that prey upon the isolated, the disaffected who are most susceptible to fear: fear of immigrants; fear that the government is inoculating them with microchips; fear of conspiracies that don’t exist. They believe that experts in science and medicine are disseminators of disinformation and that far-right commentators know the “truth” even as they shamelessly spread their propaganda of deceit.

There have always been charlatans. Now, however, disinformation and cynicism spreads at the speed of light, causing many to be overwhelmed, distrustful and enraged.

Throughout history, fear has always overtaken reason. Now it’s overtaking an America that is losing the battle against lies, bigotry, and violence.

The more we turn away from honesty, decency, and responsibility; the more hate-filled rhetoric ramps up; the more some willingly align themselves with lies; the more the country will slide into an abyss of authoritarianism ruled by a man, and  supported by a vocal minority of extremists who are determined to turn back the clock of history to a time of dictators and tyrants.

Friday: The Way Forward, Part 2: Where We Need to Be


  1. Wow–stepping out there, Jim. “Three camps: the rageful who feel entitled; those who fight for justice and equal rights; and those lawmakers who willingly sit on the sidelines in fearful silence rather than stand up for the Constitution.”

    Let’s move smoothly through this and back toward “equality, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

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