Recent Sean Hannity Commentaries

Featured image for “Pants on Fire”
Pants on Fire
Lying has become far too pervasive in American culture today. When it’s done by politicians, it’s become normative. When it’s done by the media, it’s reprehensible. For 19 years, CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite was the gold standard of trust when it came to reporting the news of the day. Today, some 24/7 cable news programs have become a hodgepodge...
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February 28, 2023
Featured image for “It’s Not Just Irresponsible; It’s Dangerous”
It’s Not Just Irresponsible; It’s Dangerous
At a February 28 political rally, President Trump said, “The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. … This is their new hoax.” In attempting to correct his meaning, Trump later said, “The ‘hoax’ was used with respect to Democrats and what they were saying. It was a ‘hoax,’ what they were saying.” No one is clear on what Trump was saying....
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March 16, 2020
Featured image for “Trump TV”
Trump TV
“If the people don’t have the facts, democracy doesn’t work.” – Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson, in a statement before sentencing former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort The extent to which Fox News personalities have embedded themselves, literally, into the Trump administration is breathtakingly immoral. Let’s begin with the obvious. According to PunditFact, of 171 statements made by Fox News...
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March 15, 2019

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