My opportunity to give a little advice (some ethical, some not), short and sweet.
Memo to: Adam Silver (NBA President)
CC: All other sports franchises
Kudos on your handling of the Donald Sterling crisis: from first reaction to investigation to decision… in three days!
Now, don’t let him or the owners off the hook. Continue to press and use this event to broaden race relations within the league.
Memo to: The Other 29 NBA Team Owners
CC: All other sports franchises
When it comes time to make your decision about Sterling’s penalty to sell the Clippers, don’t second guess your commissioner or the majority. If you can’t do it for the right reasons, do it to save yourself from the backlash from players and fans and the potential money you will lose.
Memo to: Donald Sterling
CC: His entire family, business and personal
You’ve already lost major sponsors, prestige in the league, as well as L.A.; hell, even charities are lining up to return your donations. Don’t waste time, money and what little reputation you have left in an endless legal battle that you will ultimately lose.
Memo to: House Speaker John Boehner
CC: Entire Congress
Take a lesson from Adam Silver, and CLEAN-UP representatives House scandals, now! (Note: Same for the Senate.) Immediately send out your own memo to House members with opening lines from House Ethics Manual.
“Members, officers, and employees of the House should:
– Conduct themselves at all times in a manner that reflects creditably on the House;
– Abide by the spirit as well as the letter of the House rules;
– Adhere to the broad ethical standards expressed in the Code of Ethics for Government Service.
“They should not in any way use their office for private gain. Nor should they attempt to circumvent any House rule or standard of conduct.”
Bold and underline the part which reads: “Conduct themselves at all times in a manner that reflects creditably on the House.”
Mark it urgent to ALL current and past offending members. Make sure they understand that this memo acts as a final warning. Next slip and they will be suspended from all committees and all participation in Congress along with a letter to their local state officials to begin the process of replacement.
Memo to: Hollywood Studio Bigwigs
CC: All producers of explosion-obsessed movies
All right, we all know that comic book movies kick-a$$ for the magic 18-24 demo, but how many times can you regurgitateBatman, Superman, Transformers, X-Men, Spiderman,Godzilla, (fill-in-your-own blank)?
Here’s a thought: have the cahones to put some of those millions towards more original stories like the outstanding true story of the year, Belle. Director Amma Asante created a modern day classic about standing on principle, and she did it on a shoe-string of $10 million!… that’s $7.4 million less than the ad budget for Spiderman II.
Memo to: Presiding Judge and Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster
CC: Humanity Central
Kudos for common sense in releasing Cornealious “Mike” Anderson who – after a clerical error allowed him to remain free from a 13-year prison sentence for armed robbery – has since led an exemplary life.
After Anderson was re-arrested when Missouri officials realized their mistake both you and the good judge had a chance to reevaluate his record since his: a married man, youth league football coach, businessman and upstanding citizen.
You summed it up nicely, Chris: “From the outset, I have proposed a solution that balances the seriousness of Mr. Anderson’s crime with the mistake made by the criminal justice system and Mr. Anderson’s lack of a criminal record over the past 13 years. Today’s outcome appears to appropriately balance the facts as we understand them.”
Responsible compassion wins.